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Member Since 24 Aug 2009
OFFLINE Last Active Oct 16 2010 09:55 PM

Marijuana Banana Bread

16 October 2010 - 09:54 PM


1/2 Cup shortening
2 Eggs
1 Teaspoon lemon juice
3 Teaspoons baking powder
1 Cup sugar
1 Cup mashed bananas
2 Cups sifted flour
1/2 Cup ground up or chopped marijuana
1/2 Teaspoon salt
1 Cup chopped nuts


1. Mix the shortening and sugar together in a large mixing bowl.
2. Beat the eggs and add it to the mixing bowl.
3. Mash your bananas, then add it to a separate bowl with the lemon juice and add it to the mixing bowl.
4. Sift the flour, salt, and baking powder together then add it to the large mixing bowl.
5. Add the rest of the ingredients to the mixing bowl (chopped nuts and chopped marijuana).
6. Bake at 190degrees C for 1 hour and 15 minutes. Enjoy.

After you take your banana bread out of the oven put a towel over it and let it sit for awhile so it has time to cool off.

Green Dragon

16 October 2010 - 09:30 PM

Green Dragon is a drink that is made from weed and alcohol. It is a very tasty, effective, and cheap way to enjoy your weed. The alcohol will extract the THC, and then you can add the mixture to food or drinks, or drink it by itself.


Get the highest proof alcohol available (190 proof recommended) and and some good quality marijuana. You typically want to use about a half gram per ounce of alcohol.

Break up the bud but leave the stems. Take the alcohol bottle and pour about a quarter of it out to leave room for the marijuana. I recommend just putting the extra alcohol in a cup so you can save it for later. Carefully add the broken up marijuana and stems into the bottle and put the cap back on and shake it up.

Store the alcohol marijuana Green Dragon drink in a safe, dark area and let it sit for 2-3 weeks. After you’ve waited the resulting mixture should be tinted green. You can use a strainer to get out all of the bud matter, but you can drink it like it is if you want.

The result of your hard work and weeks of waiting is a very high proof alcohol that is laced with high amounts of pure THC.

A good way to drink this drink is to mix three parts lemonade with one part Green Dragon and some honey stirred in, serve over ice. You can also add it to just about anything you like, if you want an energised high add it some coffee or tea, any other kind of alcohol mixers, and juice would work just as well.

Another way to enjoy your Green Dragon is at pour it in a bowl of cherries, grapes, strawberries or any other kind of fruit and let them soak in it over night in the fridge. Strain the liquid and keep the fruit. You can then eat the fruit to get drunk and high. You can still use the other liquid to make mixed drinks or whatever you want to do with it.