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- Viewing Profile: Likes: Tritty
About Me
My passion in life is horses. I own and breed Arabians and compete in endurance (like marathon running but riding horses through the bush anywhere from 80km to 160km.) and various other equestrian disciplines.
As far as cars go, the daily is a GQ Patrol, have a HB Torana restore project rusting away for a rainy day, and a R32 GTR which my Husband gets more use out of than me.
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- Active Posts 750
- Profile Views 17722
- Member Title Bugatti Veyron Super Sport
- Age 43 years old
- Birthday March 7, 1981
Real Name
Kenwick WA
R32 GTR, HB Torana SL Series 2 (Project), GQ Patrol
Horses, Movies, Eating Out, Chocolate, Music, Reading (Fantasy & Non Fiction ).
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#24574 Cruise 12/05/12 - Livvy's Whoopsie
Posted by Tritty
on 03 May 2012 - 12:09 PM
#16415 new cruise!
Posted by Tritty
on 18 December 2010 - 11:29 PM

#16347 ahg double tune sesh AGAIN
Posted by Tritty
on 17 December 2010 - 11:56 AM
And Im Pretty sure Brett and I will be doing it again (huhhum, track day that is). Probably share a half half sesh again.

#16238 Paypal Scam when selling Vehicles
Posted by Tritty
on 15 December 2010 - 11:26 PM

#16120 Paypal Scam when selling Vehicles
Posted by Tritty
on 14 December 2010 - 08:45 AM
#15839 Paypal Scam when selling Vehicles
Posted by Tritty
on 08 December 2010 - 04:32 PM
Good move in deleting it.

#15831 Paypal Scam when selling Vehicles
Posted by Tritty
on 08 December 2010 - 10:40 AM
Not too long ago Brett and I were trying to sell one of our cars on Gumtree. We received a very strange email almost immediately from someone who was strangely working at sea who wanted the car for his dad as a gift and could not make payment any way except through Paypal. They did not care about inspecting the vehicle and said they would have a truck driver come pick it up. Seemed very suss, as we already had a paypal account we did not click the link to see where it went, if it is an actual link to paypal or not I don’t know. Anyway after trying to correspond to this person it went nowhere. We were not affected in any way other than wasting out time.
My dad just listed a Camper on Autotrader and put my mobile as a contact as he is seldom by the phone. I got 2 sms messages saying to email them with the camper details and price which I thought was strange. One of the numbers was a bit odd too being 0000000000 very unusual.
I emailed them accordingly.
I got a reply this morning from Paul Wolf [sunrise19631@hotmail.com], the name seems like its made up, I guess there might be a paul wolf out there. Lol
This was his reply
“I am very keen,Let me know the actual asking price. How i wish i could come and view what am buying from you.but am currently overseas at the moment and i want it picked up before i get back, though i will be back in couple of weeks. Due to my inability to make a bank deposit, I would be paying via PayPal which is safer for me. Kindly send me a paypal payment invoice or create an account at www.paypal.com.au if you dont have one. I will make a concrete pick up arrangement with my transport agent who will be coming over for pick up once you receive full payment into your PayPal account. Few more photos will be appreciated as well.
Have a nice day.
Sounds very much like the email we got before, they are conveniently overseas or at sea or somewhere they cant make payment any way apart from paypal, don’t care about seeing the car, have no idea about the price of the vehicle, Will arrange transport to pick up and no other contact details for this person.
The other email was 'kenwillis004@gmail.com'
I did a bit of a search online and found other people posting up on sites the same thing has happened to them.
or search google if you want to find for yourself.
Anyway just thought Id give the heads up that this is circulating. As far as I know there has been nothing bad happen other than wasting time but best to be safe than sorry.
It may not just apply to vehicles but that is all I have experienced.
A friend said they had the same thing happen to them recently...
"When I refused to continue with the deal they said that they were going to commence proceedings against me unless I paid.
I reported them to Paypal."
Maybe that is how the scam works, trying to scare people into paying for withdrawing on the sale. She is a lawyer so it didnt work with her.
#15343 4x4 Cruise 2011
Posted by Tritty
on 29 November 2010 - 09:13 AM
Maybe there is some sort of directory with all the off road tracks on it, that would be worth buying.
Also Roz and I are ready to go camping again, we were thinking of Lancelin, because of the beach, maybe around March when its still warm but not too hot for the bubbas. Might organise a seperate one for this though.
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- West Coast Cruisers
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